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General Terms and Conditions

Verson: 26 June 2018

AGF Nederland B.V.
Stevinweg 2
4691 SM Tholen
The Netherlands
[email protected]
FreshPlaza B.V.
Stevinweg 2
4691 SM Tholen
The Netherlands
[email protected]

These General terms and conditions apply to all web sites, newsletters and agreements of AGF Nederland B.V. and FreshPlaza B.V. By using our web sites or by subscribing to one or more newsletters, the user declares to have read and agreed upon these terms and conditions.


Although AGF Nederland B.V. and FreshPlaza B.V. take great care in the composition of their web sites, we may publish information on our web sites which is not complete, accurate or up to date. The information on our web sites is subject to changes, which we may implement without prior notification. We reserve the right to optimize or modify the technical features and access to our web sites. AGF Nederland B.V. and FreshPlaza B.V. deny liability for any direct or indirect damage, of any nature, that is caused by using our publications, by using the information obtained from our publications, or by the temporary inability to access our publications.

Intellectual property rights

AGF Nederland B.V. and/or FreshPlaza B.V. hold all (intellectual) property rights for our publications, including author rights, brand rights, and trademark rights. Without prior consent, users are not allowed to reproduce or publish (parts of) our content. Mentioning the source does not change this. Users are explicitly not allowed to reproduce or publish our content within another context, via another URL, or by using framing, e.g. in an iframe.

User content

Any content put on our web sites by users (e.g. press releases, comments below articles, or (job) offers) must comply with our house rules. The content shall by no means be in violation of the law or infringe (copy) rights by third parties. We will pass on any claims caused by user content to the submitter of this content.

Comments on our web sites should not be discriminatory or harassing, inciting violence or criminal behavior and are not allowed to contain a commercial message. AGF Nederland B.V. and FreshPlaza B.V. reserve the right to shorten, modify, deny or remove any user submitted content if this content does not meet the rules above.


All personal data you leave on our web sites is subject to our privacy policy. See www.freshplaza.com/privacy (English) or www.agf.nl/privacy (Dutch).